Date: Tuesday 9th June
Time: 14.00 (UK time)
Duration: One hour
Cost: $5.00 / Free to SDC MembersBooking is now open for the next webinar in the series.
Chemical compliance is a vital part of making the textile industry less environmentally damaging. Minimising the input of harmful chemicals into the supply chain and ensuring that no harmful chemicals are on the final products is good for everyone. It forms the important first step on process and product safety which must then be combined with best practice in the application of dyes and chemicals. Safety and the environment has to be embedded at the beginning of the design and procurement process and led through to the manufacturing process. 4584802266693099792 Any questions? Please email
IFATCC International Congress, Ruobaix (FR)
22th-24th April 2020Chemistry applied to textiled: fibre spinning, dyeing and finishing, and manufacturing of multi-functional textiles, for both conventional and high-performance textiles.Environmentallt planetary challenges require Innovation in Chemistry and textile.
It is becoming essential to reconsider the design and manufacturing of textiles. Eco designing is indeed required for textile functionalisation to limit environmental impacts.This [R]evolution is radically shaking up production methods and defining new technical and technological limits.
Many companies have innovative solutions to offer in response to these expectations. Studies carried out in research labs are also essential in anticipating these changes, particularly in the field of clothing.
For this reason over a three-day period, companies, experts, technical centres and research laboratories will discuss the evolution of textile chemistry to generate new fibres, innovative fabrics and sustainable processes, for revolutionising the textile businesses and the apparel market.