IFATCC is promoting and fostering friendly relationships between the associations constituting the Federation, establishing permanent professional relationships among the member association.

IFATCC encourages an exchange of knowledge, competencies and contacts promoting scientific and technical co-operation so as to assist in the development of the textile and dyestuff industries.

In order to achieve these aims IFATCC holds and organizes an international congress every 3 years.

The Federation allows grants in order to promote an international exchange of students that would like to start their professional career in the textile chemistry branch, and technicians who would like to further into their knowledge.

For this reason, they must work for companies, R&D Institutes or Universities (PhD students) situated in the countries with an Association belonging to the Federation.

IFATCC promotes the collaboration with other associations employed in topics such as research internationalisation and multidisciplinary approach for innovation in sustainable products/processes for textile chemistry, dyeing, and finishing treatments.

Each Association being part of IFATCC is independent and operates in its own country acting according to local legislation and organizing meetings and workshops at national level.

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