IFATCC is pleased to announce that the Federation will participate with his booth at the WTIN Textile innovation week (25-29 October 2021).
Participation is free of charge.
Here you can find the link to join the event: https://innovate.wtin.com.
See you on our booth!. -
46th Symposium AEQCT
Will be held on 8th-11th of March on ZOOM the 46th Symposium AEQCT entlited
Textile Industry
Efficient answer to the existence of a green future.AEQTC is a prestigious Spanish Institution founded in 1958 exclusively scientific, technician and non-profit making. This Partnership brings together people linked to companies producing colorants, auxiliary and sizing products, producers of textile fibers, manufactures and representatives of textile machinery, industrial companies dedicated to bleaching, dyeing, printing, sizing and finishing of textile materials as well as managers and technicians of the sector, University professors, researchers from the CSIC and Technology Centers and students college.